Corporate Sponsorship

Corporate Sponsorship

For your business:
* Photo of your chosen primate, and more information about him or her.
* Personal sponsorship certificate.
* 20 EAST wristbands.
* Your logo displayed on our webpage
* Poster detailing the work of EAST
* Recycled EAST tyre notebooks available to buy at a reduced rate of £2.50 each.

For a local family:
* £10 will be spent on something for a local Vietnamese local family that will help increase their livelihood: E.g. ducks/fish to farm, cinnamon or peppercorn trees for harvesting, materials for silk worm production.
* Gift a visit – a free pass for a tour of Dao Tien for the Vietnamese family that has received the livelihood boost. (As most people cannot visit our centre in Vietnam, we want to use your support to give the opportunity to the local community).



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